Facts and Figures

Statistics - England

Electrical Safety First Core Data Set - England

See statistics
Statistics - Wales

Electrical Safety First Core Data Set - Wales

See statistics

Key statistics

  • 14,186
    53.4% of all accidental domestic fires in England had an electrical origin in 2018/19.
    Safety Around the Home
  • 10,416
    58% of electrical fires started in the kitchen in 2017/2018
    Kitchen Safety
  • 71%
    71% of electrical fires were started by appliances in 2017/2018.
    Product Safety
  • 64%
    Nearly two thirds (64%) of people who have bought fake electrical products purchased them online.
    Counterfeit Products
  • 29%
    29% of people who had bought fakes online had purchased them from a “marketplace”.
  • 51%
    Around half (51%) of 25-34 year olds have bought a fake electrical item online compared to less than 10% of those aged over 55.
    Spot the Fake
  • 36%
    36% of people rely on recommendations from friends and family when it comes to choosing an electrician to carry out work in the home.
    Registered Electricians
  • 18M
    As many as one in three UK residents, the equivalent of 18 million people, have accidentally bought a counterfeit electrical product online.
  • 28%
    28% of UK adults have bought and used a cheap, unbranded charger. This rises to 45% of 18-24 year olds.
    Don't Kill Your Phone with a Dodgy Charger